While on a recent trip to the Czech Republic, my wife bought me a Zenit ET 35MM camera at an “antique” shop, almost on a whim and a coin toss that it would actually work. We found a camera store a couple of blocks away, bought some B&W film, loaded it up, and started shooting, not knowing if I was wasting my time and money.
We arrived in České Budějovice a few days later, and I took a picture of the Town Hall B&W, which was what I had envisioned, I shot some with the Nikon, with the intent of making them B&W, and removing the cars. Well, I just got the scans back, and I love the results. I would love it if the cars were gone, but I am completely happy with the results as shot.
České Budějovice Town Hall B&W

There is a lot to be said about B&W film results, that digital cannot replicate.